Our Story
The Sabbath Life first launched as an online space in September 2016 where Peter could write about spiritual direction, contemplative practices, and the ways that God is renewing the whole world. Throughout the season of the COVID-19 pandemic, we were working with so many people who found themselves exhausted, stressed, and burning out. We were seeing that people both in and out of the church were not equipped with good skills for processing the “big feelings” we were all feeling then and still feel.
We believed that ancient contemplative practices like silence, stillness, and solitude were really good antidotes to the decision fatigue, brain fog, and general weariness people carried. In April 2021, we transformed our neighbors’ house into a retreat space and opened the Abbey of the Heights—“Abbey” because abbeys were the centers of prayer within old monasteries and “The Heights” because that’s the name of our historic neighborhood in downtown Tulsa.
Since that time we have hosted pastors, ministry workers, teachers, missionaries, therapists, physicians, writers, people in career transition, people grieving—all kinds of people who generously give of themselves and who need to receive some soul care of their own. We organized as a non-profit 501(c)3 in summer 2022. Our contemplative community began receiving the Eucharist weekly on Sundays in January 2023.