6 Books for Getting Started with Spiritual Direction
17 Books for New Ministry Leaders
reading listPeter Whitereading list, reading, books, spirituality, fiction, community, ministry, leadership, pastor, ministry leader, time management, enneagram, sabbath
6 Novels to Shape Your Soul
reading listPeter Whiteliterature, fiction, books, story, reading, reading list, spiritual formation, eugene peterson, god, shusaku endo, graham greene, marilynne robinson, wendell berry, charles williams, c.s. lewis
17 Books for Seeing More in the Bible
13 Books for Joining God on Mission
23 Books for Spiritual Formation
reading listPeter Whitebooks, reading, spirituality, spiritual life, spiritual formation, annie dillard, cloud of unknowing, discipleship, dietrich bonhoeffer, common prayer, daily office, prayer, enneagram, ian cron, suzanne stabile, marva dawn, sabbath, richard foster, spiritual disciplines, church, dark night of the soul, john of the cross, thomas kelly, brother lawrence, brennan manning, thomas merton, robert mulholland, henri nouwen, eugene peterson, peter scazzero, james bryan smith, james k.a. smith, teresa of avila, thomas a kempis, a.w. tozer, dallas willard, anne lamott