Reading Genesis for God's Mission
ScripturePeter Whitegenesis, moses, abraham, isaac, jacob, jesus, god, faith, bible, scripture, old testament, pentateuch, mission, missional, creation, story, sin, sandra richter, church, contemplative
Reading the Gospel of Matthew for God’s Mission
Peter Whitegospel, matthew, gospel of matthew, new testament, jesus, messiah, bible, scripture, mission, sermon on the mount, kingdom, jean vanier, great commission, god, incarnation, theology, faith, gospels, healing
Reading Leviticus for God’s Mission
ScripturePeter Whiteleviticus, old testament, moses, torah, love, worship, jesus, bible, god, mission, missional, scripture
Reading Joshua for God’s Mission
ScripturePeter Whitebible, scripture, joshua, historical books, israel, violence, war, holy war, story, god, place, old testament
Reading Acts for God’s Mission
ScripturePeter WhiteActs, church, mission, missional, community, gospel, luke, holy spirit, new testament, bible, god
Reading Deuteronomy for God’s Mission
ScripturePeter Whitedeuteronomy, old testament, bib le, bible, scripture, moses, israel, sandra richter, creation, missional, mission, god, faith, jesus
The Most Important Chapter in the Bible
ScripturePeter Whitebible, scripture, genesis, god, faith, creation, sabbath, light, john, creativity, story
Reading 1 and 2 Corinthians for God’s Mission
ScripturePeter White1 corinthians, 2 corinthians, corinthians, corinth, paul, new testament, church, community, dietrich bonhoeffer, leadership, bible, scripture, new creation, reconciliation, acts, jesus, god, christianity